William Shatner just beat out Alan Alda for an Emmy.
Do you mean, like, literally beat the crap out of him and grabbed the Emmy from his senseless body? While shouting "You wanna
like common people? You wanna do what common people do?"
Or has my mail-in campaign gone unrecognised?
Is Kristen Bell even old enough to remember Fame?
And the crowd goes wild. As well they should.
Does anyone care about award show spoilers? Just checking.
My boys were yelling here. They
get all their news from TDS.
The earlier
in the evening repeat
of course.
Ooops. I was wondering about that. I can whitefont.
it's live everywhere, right?
note: comedy writers are never women. I'm going to turn to drink.
Quoted but misnamed. Maybe you should just focus your powers on that?
You mean misspelled?
I'm pretty sure John has never written my name before. He gets the first time pass. Also known as the Minear exemption.
Just this once.
No, they're tape delaying it on this coast (at least for those of us who only get the house antenna....)