Hey! I was quoted on kfmonkey. Who needs powers?
Quoted but misnamed. Maybe you should just focus your powers on that?
I need to be reading for school. Instead I am looking at cute slightly pudgy Brittany Murphy on Clueless. (Edit: Crap! Not even pudgy. Just not emaciated like she is now. And with some fat in her cheeks.)
Yeah. She was much better looking then.
God, "Clueless", I've watched it a bunch of times and I still watch it.
So, I'm watching
Were we supposed to understand what
Gunnison said as he was choking Our Hero
when they
played it backwards?
I didn't understand.
It's reliable, anyway. Clueless, I mean.
Jen, I'm watching it now and just had that same issue.
It feels like that time I was playing King's Quest and couldn't figure out how to play back the musical notes in the right order.
He says
"You're one of us."
I'm not crazy about the
but I really like the cast and the premise.
Oh thank you, Jessica. It was making me batty that I couldn't figure it out.
Exactly what you said, Kristen. I played it back three times, and then I gave up. Well, until I asked here.
Thanks, Jessica.
I'm kind of liking it. Not the
either, but I'm intrigued. The thing with the
fractal pattern
is creepy.
Kat just brought me a piece of cake.
I like Kat.
Yay for cake and for Kat for bringing cake. What kind?