Are they sure the guy training those cats isn't using some sort of mind control device?
I'm wondering if this is the same guy that appeared on Penn & Teller's show (I think it was on FX) a few years back. I remember they had a guy on with a bunch of trained cats. It was amazing.
When I was in the UK, one of my cousin's neighbors had wireless, but it was secure, so no Internet for me in those 2 weeks. Kinda sucked.
We've also got at lest 2 secure wirelesses in the apartment complex
My wireless is at least moderately protected-- it has a password, but pretty low level encryption. I know there are other people in my building with protected wireless.
Of the 4 wireless networks (including mine) that my computer is acknowledging right now, only mine is secured. There are a couple of others that I can't see right now, and they're usuall secured. (One of which is named "pimpsdomain," which I love and wish weren't secured, just so I could access it once, to say "Yeah, I've been in the pimp's domain.")
Most all the WiFi networks I run into these days are secured. I have mine secured, with encryption and tied to my iBook's MAC address (unique address associated with a WiFi or network card) so no other computer can use it.
Of course, I've lost the router's password, so I can't change the setup to allow other WiFi computers even if I wanted to.
You could just do a hard reset on the router and make a new password during network setup.
You could just do a hard reset on the router and make a new password during network setup.
Yeah, I've been meaning to do that. Maybe I'll buy a WiFi USB thingie for my TiVo, which will prompt me to reset the router. Then I can give it some clever name, like "frak_off" or "cylons_only" or something, instead of the default name.
I don't think I'd still be able to use an electronic or computer device in my house if it weren't for hard reset buttons. I've hard reset the DSL model and router in this house so many times, it's not even funny.
I need a hard reset button for my brain. Of course, I'd have to be sure to leave myself instructions on what to do after....
Two of the guys in our gaming/paintball/LAN party group back in the States did computer forensics and remote wireless network hacking for a living. They made sure ours was secure. They would, however, occasionally use our neighbor's, even when they could use ours, just because they could.