I've hit the point where I'm not looking at any more reports, photos, or any information, and I'm skimming past posts that quote reports or articles about the situation. I ... I just can't. Getting completely freaked out and upset won't do me or anyone else any good, so I'm concentrating on information about what can be donated and where to do it, and on talking to the pet DJ about getting a fund raiser night going next week.
(This is in NO WAY a
'goodbye cruel internets! I'm taking my toys and leaving!'
post. I just felt I had to say something, before I freaked out any more.)
"It's okay," Dobler told the city, "I've still got your keys."
I can sort of relate to the rioting people. I guess I'm sort of anti-social like that. Or Elmore Leonard(You've never seen us in the same room have you?)
This should NO WAY be understood as thinking that crap is right, mind you.ETA: Kristen, we're pretty close, but we have monsoon flooding, dust-storms, heat stroke, Neo-Cons...so, really nsm.
Sometimes I laugh at the guy in the Hummer in the flooded wash, though, I must confess.
wait, the internets comes with toys?
Haha! msbelle got the bargain-basement version of the internets!
wait, the internets comes with toys?
Yeah! Squishy toy monsters, mostly.
I just can't believe this. I've never had much use for W, but I'm amazed at how horribly he's handling this. I keep remembering when Gorbachev was in the US, and there was a big earthquake in the Soviet Union, and he dropped everything and flew home. Could he personally do anything? Perhaps not. But he knew how important it was for him to be there.
Regarding bussing people out, they could be doing more. Gas is a problem, but some busses have gotten out (and initially were turned away from the Astrodome because they weren't on the official list). So clearly this is not impossible.
This whole thing is just so sad and upsetting and, frankly, embarrassing.
Part of this feeling may be because of the migraine that popped in from nowhere last night and is still throbbing away. But definitely not all of it. Feh.
A friend in Texas is reporting her husband just saw a convoy of 9 buses escorted by Texas DPS cruisers. Some movement. Not enough, but some.
For people who were too poor to own a car, or pay for a motel outside the city, who live in absolute poverty, it's fucking Christmas to be able to go break into all those shops along Canal and load up on electronics and guns and jewelry.
I know you made this point elsewhere in your post, but I just want to be very clear that it's really only a (relatively) few people doing all the bad shit, compared to a ton of regular non-crazy poor people.