There's a guy who has stayed in NOLA, on the 10th (11th? a high one) floor of an office building in the central business district -- he's got a small group of people with him, a generator, and -- somehow -- enough supplies for them to hunker down. He's been running a webcam out the window, and is posting several updates a day on his blog: [link]
It's really, really interesting reading.
Wow. High-rise survivalists.
Wow. High-rise survivalists.
Seriously, his blog is really, really interesting.
Seriously, his blog is really, really interesting.
Yeah, I've been reading it after I posted that. Wow. If society ever collapses, the info in that blog will be very useful.
I found him a little scary.
I think I may imitate shrift and drive really fast to where there are donuts and coffee.
I've never been so eager to get to work, I tell you what.
Of course, now that I've been here for a few hours, I'm ready to stop doing Actual Work.
Steph, that link seems to be down?
Steph, that link seems to be down?
Their server is under a lot of load. Sometimes I have to click things a few times.