I like your imagination
Sang Sacre is becoming a dreary place these days.
By feeling blech, I don't really mean a lack of self-esteem. I'm just tired of my current situation which doesn't appear to have an end anytime soon. It makes positive thoughts difficult.
Gud, I like the way you write about your children
Oh a couple of things I found cute. My daughter, Emaryn, was talking about her favorite TV shows (she only watches PBS) and said she liked Barney but the songs were really annoying. Meanwhile, I love Leif's new way of saying he's hungry or full. Hungry is "my tummy is sad", while full is "my tummy is happy".
of the teeth (is that how they're called in English, as well?)
I think they're called tines, actually.
Yup. Tines.
Hi Nilly!!! I'm sorry about your fork disintegrating.
What's the difference between cake and bread?
The leavening, no? Except, I don't know that there's any good reason to call sweet quick breads (banana et al.) "bread" instead of cake.
I just took a shower, and I will apparently never dry off. The weather here is disgusting, even if not actively harmful.
Jewishly speaking, the degree of sweetness and if the dough was made with a liquid other than water (milk, fruit juice and the like). I have no idea about non-Jewish bread.
Huh. Non-Jewishly speaking, cakey is cakey, and sticks together when you smoosh the crumbs, whereas bread is not. Although, I was just looking through New Joy last night, and it has brioche in breads, while I would have called it a cake. I suppose it was because of the yeast -- I think all the yeast items are in one chapter. (I am going home tonight and making orange-cranberry bread as I'd meant to last night, but last night, the cranberries were practically frozen.)
Hee. The Ten Commandments as issued by Coyote:
I. Thou Shalt Have As Many Gods and Spirits and Personal Trainers and Gurus As You Like Before Me, But You Shalt Not Let Them Block the Exits, and More, You Shall Not Permit Them To Take the Last Beer, For That Beer Is Mine. Seriously. Don't.
VIII. Thou Shalt Not Be A Martyr. If You Have One Beer, Drink It. Do Not Give It To Me and Then Expect Adoration. Dude, That Was Your Beer, I Did Not Break Your Arm To Get It. Give What You Can Give, and Expect Neither Praise Nor Worship. You Are Not Being Morally Superior, You Are Being A Decent Human Being. There Is A Difference.
The leavening, no? Except, I don't know that there's any good reason to call sweet quick breads (banana et al.) "bread" instead of cake.
I vaguely recall cakes with yeast, but may be hallucinating. There definitely are breads without yeast (soda bread, for instance).
There definitely are breads without yeast (soda bread, for instance).
I was trying to hedge my bets by saying "leavening." Does soda bread use significantly more soda than a cake would? Or something?
Basically, I have no idea, and think there may be no actual answer other than the Jewish one.
Its sandwichability.
I said that (co-worker discussion) and then they became obsessed with the layer cake and permutations thereof. So I backed off.
sticks together when you smoosh the crumbs, whereas bread is not
By that tenet, hard dough bread is cake, although it passes the sandwich test and the yeast test and all the other bread tests I can think of. And I'm sure it's not the only bread that does.