Finally saw aerial video of Biloxi and Gulfport tonight.
Oh. My. Fucking. God.
The two towns are just gone; all that's left are piles of debris with an occasional house or building. And casino barges sitting inland. One barge landed on top of a hotel.
I know the mayor has been chided for comparing the destruction to the tsunami, but while the loss of life will be nowhere near the scale of the tsunami, the damage sure is comparable. I mean, the storm surge nearly erased the area from the map.
Perkins, this: <a href=""> links to this -- the page. And this: <img src=""> links right to the picture.
The difference isn't large -- the forward slash, but it's key.
Huh. That's good information because I seem to have issues with pics in lj.
I should be asleep, but sadly, I'm awake and trying to finish work. GR.
We still haven't heard from my aunt. But I sent my mom the info about text messageing,maybe that will help.
Excerpts from an email from another NOLA-based friend (her house is okay so far - when she moved she insisted on the high ground, so it's on a 4' foundation, 4 feet above sea level).
250 million of the funds allocated for levee repair and pumps got diverted to Iraq. That and tax cuts. The Times-Picayune ran eight or nine stories on the funding shortfall in the last two years.
So I wonder if Bush will work that into his speeches?
I go back and forth between pissed and sad, but the number of NOLA vampires suddenly discovering a new meaning for "running water" is almost amusing. Actually that'd make a pretty interesting horror survival game if you got to play the poor soggy vampire, especially as the food supply gets evacuated.
250 million of the funds allocated for levee repair and pumps got diverted to Iraq. That and tax cuts. The Times-Picayune ran eight or nine stories on the funding shortfall in the last two years.
It's rainy/humid and ick here. I was sweating in my pajamas, and now that I've showered and dressed for work, it's only a matter of minutes before I get all sweaty again.
Dana, I am so glad your family got in touch with you, and Heather, that all your people are still okay. I wish -t would check in again, but I know her Beep Me posts said she was in Houston, so she's okay.
It feels particularly cruel that there was this feeling of we dodged the bullet, when all that really happened was the bullet was coming from another sniper. The pictures and news out of Biloxi, Gulfport, et al are beyond belief.
Trudy, you conveyed what I think is a universal truth in your post about your family making it through after the fire took your home. I think the same thing you said--that we just keep going--is how we handle all our tragedies, big and small, material and emotional. Thank you so much for posting it.
a group calling itself Columbia Christians for Life alerts us to the fact that a satellite image of Hurricane Katrina as it hit the Gulf Coast Monday looks just like a six-week old fetus.
Perhaps next they'll explain why the eye went over liberal bastions like the state of Mississippi, which just last fall voted by more than a 6-1 margin to spit on families like mine.