The sympathy angle. I totally hadn't thought of that. I could be one of those fans that everyone hates.
I think fandom should spot you a get-a-sympathy-hug moment. We've been all sane and productive for a really long time!
(Although any licking really ought to be saved for the
day of the con as to make it less traumatic when they yoink our badges. Heh.)
Stephanie, I already posted my congrats in Bitches, but hot damn, woman. You are a force to be reckoned with. CONGRATULATIONS!
Breaking news on MSNBC (no actual story yet):
Louisiana governor says all of New Orleans must be evacuated
Have things gotten much worse recently?
Wentworth Miller has a degree from Princeton and is of Jamaican descent.
I am so easily charmed. It's pretty sad.
It's still flooding, and I think the logistical difficulties (food, potable water, sanitation) are too much for the city to handle, with all of the flooding and damage.
Have things gotten much worse recently?
The latest figures I saw online were that 80% of the city is flooded. It's as bad, flood-wise, as if it had been hit head on, with the category 5 storm. The levees are giving, and the water keeps pouring in.
I wonder if any progress has been made on closing the breaches. It looks like I-10 East out of the city is pretty much destroyed.
yeah, the water is rising around the Superdome. At least one hospital is inoperable.
Everyone has to go.