Jefferson Parish, which I believe is where -t and her husband live, has said that they'll let people back in in about a week, in order to get clothes and other essentials. Then, people will need to leave again and not return for a month.
Oh man, what are people going to do?
I was just talking to one of my neighbors. She's waiting to hear from her brother. I don't know what neighborhood he lives in. His family evacuated to Florida. He's got a son down there, but he had to stay to work, as he works for the phone company. She heard from him last night, and the first floor of the building had flooded and he'd moved up a floor.
I haven't heard from -t, and I wish I could offer her and her DH a place to stay, but I'm expecting that my parents will come here eventually.
Jefferson Parish, which I believe is where -t and her husband live, has said that they'll let people back in in about a week, in order to get clothes and other essentials. Then, people will need to leave again and not return for a month.
That's going to be so hard for families.
The New Orleans photos make me sad. I wonder what the damage will be in the end.
I have an alarm clock question. I've been using my old PDA to wake me up, since I can set alarms by the day of the week. MWF, it goes off 15 minutes after my main alarm, just in case. TTh it goes off 30 minutes earlier, so I can make the gym. Saturday it's set so I can go surfing by 7. Sunday it makes sure I'm up by 8:20 for krav assisting.
But there's a reason it's my old PDA. It's fading and unreliable. Do other people use clocks that care about the day of the week? I panic a bit about remembering to turn my main alarm off for the weekends and back on for the weekdays.
I heard from -t this morning. Her DH had to go to NY related to bringing his company's data center back up so she is alone at the moment. She has to get out of the hotel she is in and is contacting friends.
This whole situation is so heartbreaking. It tears me up to watch the reports. It's emotionally overwhelming.
Do other people use clocks that care about the day of the week?
No. Every night when I go to bed and set my alarm, I check to see when it's set for and adjust (my alarm time varies depending if I'm going to work an hour late or not, and if I'm gonna eat breakfast at home or get it in Evanston). So I really don't know when I have to get up until the night before.
Damn, Tom, that's ugly. Useful, but ugly. I can't believe that " it can’t possibly be the first time someone has thought of this" even needed saying. I mean, it can't be, can it?
I'm lucky in that I wake up anyway, but I have a paranoia sadly uncoupled with the slightest OCD tendencies (or maybe I'm O and not C) about making sure at least one alarm is set, just in case.
Useful, but ugly.
Reminds me of the early versions of ... something. You could cover it with a tastefully painted cloth box and call it a paperweight, I guess.
ita, is your PC in your bedroom? It looks like there might be some programs you can download, here: [link] I thought I hit on something at Amazon, but it let you set alarms for weekdays, weekends, or everyday. It didn't seem to have the flexibility you're looking for. And yeah, someone should have thought of this long before. Our clocks are digital now, for goodness sake. My VCR can be set day by day long ahead of time.