I had the most realistic boring dream ever last night, and I hardly ever remember my dreams, so it's extra disappointing. In the dream I was telling a friend how I like all the piano-based pop music right now. WTF?
Is your radio playing when you sleep, or is your alarm set to radio?
Is your radio playing when you sleep, or is your alarm set to radio?
Nope. Maybe there was a car playing a radio outside, but the odds of someone blasting Keane in my neighborhood in the middle of the night are slim to none.
I TOTALLY want an avocado sculpture.
to display food sculpted out of avacados.
Was it other types of food sculpted out of avacodos?
Seriously, can anyone else get into Google?
Damn, it's just us! My co-worker can't get in either.
Was it other types of food sculpted out of avacodos?
No, it was just slices of avacado arranged into interesting shapes and patterns.
I'm envisioning an avocado mandala.
avocado. I was imagining it mushed.
Watched Prison Break last night. Wentworth Miller is definitely pretty, but did anyone else have a problem with the diabetes thing? As a Type I diabetic, he'd need shots *every day,* sometimes more than once, not once a week or every few days, or whenever it was he was being called into the infirmary. Which a doctor would know. Not to mention, wouldn't the prison ask for medical records? I get why he needs to be in the infirmary, but the way it's written is annoying -- two minutes of research is all it would have taken to write it correctly, or find some other ailment for him. Sloppy. It was entertaining enough for one evening, but I'll have to see where they go with it.