Yeah, I saw some footage on the news tonight of a guy reporting from Bourbon Street, and what I could see of the area behind him didn't look that different from a Saturday morning after a long Friday night. It looks like that part of town didn't get hit too badly.
I can't wait to hear Robertson or somesuch blame this tragedy on divine retribution for the country not being conservative enough.
Now we're playing the world's tiniest game of catch. She's lying on the floor right next to me, and I'm flipping the tennis ball like six inches to her and she's catching it and dropping it back into my hand.
Here, LeN. It was much cheaper in person, though.
Allyson, is it a Batman bandaid? Those are my favourite.
Kat, you don't have to go back as far as the fifties. I called all my teachers Miss unless I needed to distinguish them from each other.
Huh. It's just sorta funny.
Kristin, I have never been called Miss without my name. My other students had no problem just calling me Teacher. It's just sort of funny to me. Especially because my name is on the board behind my head.
Allyson, is it a Batman bandaid? Those are my favourite.
I could send you a sushi bandaid. Would that do?
ho-ly shit. those are a little on the expensive side. And they actually call them "cuddles."
It's weird people at work refer to women as "Miss First Name", not everyone and it's men and women. It's definitly a Southern thing, but Mom never had us do that, I'm not sure why...well she's not Southern...but it's still weird to hear myself refered to as Miss Allison by adults.
When editing a manuscript (abbreviated "mss.") the Luddite way, which we do in my office (and I dearly love editing the way we do, pen to paper), making that little ¶ makes me unaccountably happy.
But do you, in conversation, say something, start to correct it, realize you had it right the first time, and then say (out loud), "No, no. Stet that."
Do you?
Oh FUCK yeah.
(Actually, for years, before my sweet co-worker quit, when she left at the end of the day, she'd say "That's a 30," and I'd say either "Pound pound pound," or "Triple pound." You can't get much dorkier than that. Though I try.)
My other students had no problem just calling me Teacher.
seems cutesy and Little House On The Prairie.
How little we understand each other.
I could send you a sushi bandaid. Would that do?
It's not abalone, is it?
LeN, it's certainly the most expensive piece of furniture I've ever bought. At the sticker price, I don't think I would have. At sale price ... well, I
people to talk me out of it. No one really tried.
wow. ita, it looks comfortable as fuck though!
so, here's a picture of homes decimated in Biloxi. Wow. Talk about the awesome force of Mother Nature.