Ah, I haven't seen it spelled that way in YEARS! Takes me back to the good old days of j-school. I still spell "head" as in "subhead," etc., H-E-D. It freaks my co-workers out.
I have, however, dropped "graf" (for "paragraph") in favor of the paragraph symbol itself. It's sleek.
Ah, I haven't seen it spelled that way in YEARS!
It's what I get for hanging out with newspaper folks.
When editing a manuscript (abbreviated "mss.") the Luddite way, which we do in my office (and I dearly love editing the way we do, pen to paper), making that little ¶ makes me unaccountably happy.
I'm easy to please, when it comes right down to it.
t edit
Heh. I just thought "OMGWTF¶¶¶¶!!!"
you should teach middle school writing, steph. I spend an INORDINATE amount of time making that precise symbol on kid's papers.
I spend an INORDINATE amount of time making that precise symbol on kid's papers.
Try editing a pharmaceutical article written by people whose first (and possibly second) language is NOT English. Some days, as long as they remembered to put a verb in most of the sentences, I don't mind chopping their papers up into paragraphs. But some days, it's like Faulkner -- if his primary languages were Russian and Japanese -- wrote a pharmaceutical article in english.
the word has lost all meaning!
¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ = pure editor porn.
Or, well, maybe just me. I can't claim to be representative of any group, including editors.
Actually, I think the beautiful majestic semicolon is editor porn. See:
Oh yeah, baby. That's the stuff. Partially separate and partially link my phrases. Oh, yeah.
t edit
No, I *don't* actually wonder why I never get laid. Believe me, I *know.* Semicolons and Batman and Macs, oh my!
I have, however, dropped "graf" (for "paragraph") in favor of the paragraph symbol itself. It's sleek.
DH uses "graf" in everyday speech. But as long as I say "co-pro" (for "co-production") I'm not allowed to mock him for it.