I have a low-class palette. I don't want rosemary, sage, thyme, dill, cilanto, or pretty much any other spice near my food. Garlic, onion, sesame oil, lemon, paprika, and salt are as exotic as I can ever get with flavoring of any kind. I've tried, I really have, and I've decided that I will never enjoy any sort of gourmet meal, ever. I can't eat at fancy restaurants. I get panicky at places where I can't order a hamburger, unless it's a pizza joint or chinese food.
I hate sushi, mexican, most thai and indian food, and have decided that I just won't enjoy anything new. I am a food curmudgeon. I don't embrace it, but there it is. I have no taste.
Wait a minute...Dad? Is that really you???
Also creepy and yet interesting in a morbid way: link to video segment of a PBS special -- it's a 12-minute NOVA clip about how a category 5 hurricane could affect New Orleans, complete with graphics.
How about you Steph-- loose or tighter t-shirts?
Oh, honey. Loose all the way. Men's XL, definitely.
I think they are unisex, but I will see.
Can't decide whether or not to click the link. I'm going through this thing where the possible devastation of the city overwhelms me and makes me ill, so I quit watching and looking for info. Then, I freak out because I don't have any info and overload on it, and the cycle begins again.
Has anyone see David Blaine, street magician on TLC? This guy is like totally supernatural. I just saw him put a cigaratte completely through a quarter. Plus, he levitates with people standing three from him. I mean, we're past "magic"; this stuff is like impossible/miracle material.
Didn't he like, almost starve to death in London and no one cared? It made me laugh.
it wouldn't surprise me if the Superdome is the most hurricane-proof bit of NO.
Wouldn't the more aerodynamic round shape help with this in addition to the solidness of its construction?
I watched, and now I'm just...It's like they keep saying "if this" and "if that" and all those conditions seem to be met (except for the evacuation predictions thank bob.