I'm still lost as to where you were confused.
I was confused because I had no idea what your post meant. I couldn't single out a country which served burgers and no mexican food. I didn't realise you were only talking about one of her requirements.
You explained it, and I meant to express "I was thinking X, so I didn't get it."
Evidently I expressed something different.
If I had known, I'd have saved you guys some whole plants when I was thinning the front yard!
Heh. My problem is that I haven't been thinning at all. That's why I have waaaay too much sage.
I still have a fair amount, however. Some mint, but it took a hit in the heat, and I've been underwatering anything tough enough to survive.
Mint is virtually indestructible. If it were a liana it would outcompete kudzu.
Every time I think it's an unreasonable time to be working (like, say, now, or Thursday before 6AM),
in the batch of e-mails I sent out not only reads the e-mail, but responds.
Crazy people!
Prison Break starts tomorrow, doesn't it?
That's the earliest new show.
That's adorable, Kristen.
I almost bought a mini on Tuesday before my root canal (It was in Cupertino, so I stopped in to visit G. at work).
Yes, it does! Tomorrow at 8 PM!
I wish we had a Prison Break thread. (HA!)
Also, Perkins, I love the mini. Especially now that I have the new hard drive. It's like a little tower o' mini.
I really want one, Kristen. Maybe once I am done paying for my birthday and my crown, I will get one.
Not only does it start tomorrow, but it's the pilot and the second ep, so even though I cheated, I still get to see new stuff.
Prison Break got a good review at EW.