Cheetahs will forever figure in my future biography, won't they?
Of Cheetahs and Cheesebutts
would be a good title for memoirs, not to mention a kick ass name for a rock band.
Nutty, after they go through the smile and nod phase, they go through the phase of assuming you can see everything they see, when they're on the phone with you, so the wonder niece will be constantly "showing" you stuff on the phone.
And man, I cannot believe that little girl is two. Those two years passed too quickly. Of course, my baby is entering kindergarten in a week, so I'm already in a wow-time-flies mood.
Can I get a big effing woohoo?
Damn Straight!
Wanna know why I am woohooing?
Because I just unpacked the very last box.
More than that, everything has a place!
Woo Hoo Perkins! I was in my house five years before that happened.
Well, to be honest, there are a couple of boxes of papers that I am hiding in corners, but still, this is more unpacked that I was the entire time I was in my last apartment.
Now I just have to do the "secondary" stuff, like get stuff on the walls.
Because I just unpacked the very last box.
More than that, everything has a place!
Well, to be honest, there are a couple of boxes of papers that I am hiding in corners, but still, this is more unpacked that I was the entire time I was in my last apartment.
Some things have no logical place, and that's the problem with them. Might I suggest these boxes live in the closet? Is there room?
I have decided the out of sigt corners are the logical place for them, or or least some of them.
It works for me.