Happy birthday Casper! What lovely pictures. It's so amazing watching her grow up...
This storm is some scary stuff. It looks so disastrous that it has gone completely past pinging my amazement with what the world can do, the things that are so much bigger than we are.
It turns out that the GF had dumped our friend and he'd offered to bring her here in a desperate attempt to salvage the relationship. A relationship that was failing on familiar turf is not going to get any more solid while touristing.
Oooof. I hope the visit goes as smoothly as possible, Raq. Even if they do smooth things out while on vacation, they still will have the same issues when they return. The foolish and wide-eyed hopeful things we'll do for love...
I keep checking to see if Susan has been soaking her in Miracle-Gro.
Rut-row... It was supposed to be a secret.
I am watching racing on tv right now and trying to just let the Flexeril hopefully continue to work. I need to figure out if I should be going to work tomorrow.
My doctor doesn't want me back until Wednesday. My boss thinks I shouldn't have to take any time at all off, just play through the pain.
Given the additional damage I managed to self-inflict by my
t insert sarcastic voice here
crazy getting up and down and switching desks several times while setting a new PC up on our Mac network Friday, she is obviously insane. Yes, the strenuous task of standing up and then sitting down again was too much.
Wow. The Weather Channel sucks. One minute of programming, one minute of commercials, and repeat.
Doctors can provide notes, Cass. Also, you should check in with your company's policy about 'temporary disability', which at least in my company's case, doesn't count against your sick days.
I should say, I suppose I prefer the constant commercials to the usual "We don't have any new news yet, so we're going to randomly speculate about completely unrelated alarmist crap."
Happy Birthday Casper!
God, Katrina is scary, even by hurricane news standards. I hope all of our NOLAistas and their relatives are okay.
Doctors can provide notes, Cass.
My doctor's office actually faxed a note to the company on Friday when he found out I was at work (In my defense, he forgot to mention on Thursday that I should be on home rest), the HR people have the documentation and my boss knows about it.
I just honestly fear that my boss is going to make life a little more difficult for me if I actually take the time. I offered to do some work from home because I can do anything email-y and actually manage the projects but she dismissed that idea. It's frustrating.
I'm going to call her later to talk about it and hopefully she'll be a whole lot less of a stressbomb today.
Cass, how long have you been there now?
Casper decided to celebrate being 2 by staging The Great Nap Battle of 2005. She's just fallen asleep on the couch (after nearly 2 hours of attempts), and we're expecting people in 45 minutes. I am drinking a big iced coffee and considering inserting Kahlua.
She is long and lanky - we haven't had a checkup in a while, but I measured her against the wall about a month ago and got 35", which is a smidge taller than I was at that age. Based on "double your height at age 2 to get adult height" she'd be 5'10", but then, by that measure I'd be 2 inches shorter than I actually am. She's several pounds heavier than I was at her age. She's consistently been 90% for height and 75% for weight, though to my eye she's gotten thinner lately.
Anybody got a good site with detailed histories of earlier hurricanes? I'd like to read up on Camille, Gloria which I witnessed in CT, and whoever it was that hit New England in the 1930s that my grandmother drove a car through.
Started there in April. Became official, and done with the probationary period, on July 18. Which is when my health insurance was supposed to have kicked in...
As opposed to the fiasco that did happen where the coverage wasn't in place until last Thursday, which is when I finally got in and saw my doctor. Frankly, I would have gone Monday given the chance and likely my back would have healed much faster if I had started treatment then.
This, in my bitter bitter heart, is partially their fault.