will you vomit all over the place if you eat when you don't feel hungry?
No. I will either be in pain or not be able to swallow anymore, depending on my digestive system's mood. I stopped overeating twenty years ago. It has its upsides and downsides. And by overeating -- I mean by my stomach's perception, since it gets to go louder than my mouth, and earlier than my general health.
not to Jen - to ita.
I figured, because that would be an odd sort of kerfauxle to get going. "You can't overeat for shit!! Whimp!"
Jen, are YOU trying to start with ME? HUNH? ARE YOU?
ita, here's a good rule for your full stomach. There's always room for ice cream.
OK, everytime I read that exchange it makes me laugh just a bit harder.
There's always room for ice cream.
Not if there's fat in it. Or that gluey thickener.
twitch twitch
I am waiting for an email or phone call that will let me know if I got the job I interviewed for. I am unable to concentrate on anything else, apparently. Thank goodness I don't have a lot of editing to do right now.
Please to be distracting the goth, thx.
HEY! look at that guy in eyeliner.
How 'bout nuts? Cuz damn, those have a lot of calories, but they're also full of nummy protein & hunger satiating fat.
HEY! look at that guy in eyeliner.
Hee! You people know me well.
mix protein mix into everything you drink!