Timelies all!
Confluence was fun, despite the random power outages in the hotel. Didn't stop the filkers, though...
I bought another earring rack from a jewelry dealer(she had extras, and it was the type I wanted), since my current one is overflowing, so to speak. I won't do anything with it until after the move, when I know the wallspace in the bedroom.
Sheryl, I thought I was in Beep Me or Press, and I just kept reading your post thinking, "Why is this an announcement?"
Power outages in the hotel? Eek. I think that would make me uncomfortable.
wow, there are potato things I've not eaten. Kind of amazing.
I had the same thought, erika.
My (formerly evil) sister tried to be mean to me at Arthur Treacher's once by shaking vinegar on my fries while I was away from the table. I ate them, unaware of the evil plot... and loved them, thereby thwarting her nefarious nefariousness.
Edited for spelling, because I'm not French.
I eat lots of spuds, JenP.
So do I, so do I. Loved the Treacher.
ita, Frankie's engaged. You'll have to move on.
Frankie is too young to be engaged, and he looks too much like Sully not to be Sully, not that any of you know Sully. Well, everyone probably knows a Sully, but not my Sully. Not that he's *mine* per se. I'll stop now. I shouldn't have Coca Cola with supper.
I remember large chunks of what I've read and if I've seen something, I have a pretty good mental picture of it. That's why my bookshelves drive other people crazy. I don't have a system; I have memory. I don't think it's really at the level of eidetic, though.
Interesting. I have a very strong - I'm not really sure what to call it. Sense, or muscle memory. I can remember where I put something by making the physical motion of putting it, for instance. Or if I can't remember if I've taken a pill or something, making the motion of doing so is enough to know whether I really did or not by how immediate the sensation feels. Also, I tend to identify left from right by miming signing my name, which I never connected to the other stuff until just now.
People I know who know him say he's kind of a dick. Mind, that was some years ago, when many boys that age might fit that description.