Provided I don't get stuck in traffic for six hours.
t sends good traffic!karma to Shrift
Thank you so much, Juliana! I'd feel kind of imposing, but the prospect of flying over the tundra in a small plane, is omg so appealing. I'll try to let you know when I know.
Nilly, thanks for reprinting that. It definitely helped me to get my mind around what you mean. And actually, I do understand what you're getting at, where the meaning of what you're doing, even the smallest action, has a connection to the larger... "the larger scheme of things" is the phrase that's coming to mind, inexact though it may be. Your actions are given meaning, to you, by the context of the history and beliefs that shape them and guide them. Is that close to what you mean?
Okay, this is an imperfect parallel, but I think for me it's like trying to use recycled materials and not waste electricity and not eat meat (not that I am very good at following these guidelines sometimes). It doesn't really matter to the world at large that I do these things. If I don't eat that burger, someone else surely will; I won't have saved that cow's life. But it's important to me, personally, that I not contribute to the economic demand for hamburgers that leads to the creation and continuation of factory farming. Does it make a difference to those who are involved with factory farming, to those who profit from it? Nope, and it never will. But it makes a difference to me that I am not involved with it myself.
So, in a similar sense, my actions in that regard don't affect anyone but myself. But they have great meaning and importance to me, because of my own beliefs.
So, to go back to what you were saying earlier:
it really drove home the point that "all that matters is what we do".
Kate, that's the way I see it, too. For me, of course, it's also about G*d and religion, but in the value of the things, in themselves, not because of any other thing.
When you say "the value of the things, in themselves", do you mean that that value comes from your beliefs and your relationship with G*d? I think that's what was confusing me before, because I wasn't sure where that connection was.
Also, I'm not sure if it's even what you're talking about, Kate, sorry!
Hey, it's all a fascinating conversation to me, detours and all!
I'm off to lunch, by the way, and you're probably off to bed, so if I don't "see" you again today, thanks for talking to me about this and helping me to understand. I always enjoy and appreciate your perspective.
is it possible to skip the running tomorrow, for the "day off" sake of it?
I'm sure there's a reason that didn't occur to me.
We'll see how I feel tomorrow. I just got invited to an 8am meeting, which I find much easier to make if I do run first.
so for those of us who just drink COFFEE, it's not very helpful.)
you know what I hate? when you pick up your coffee cup, try to take a last sip, and there's no coffee left, just the teasing aroma of the Coffee that Once Was.
Teppy, Kate - I owe you both answers, but I have to run out now. Some other time, then? The topics are too serious and important to me to short-cut my way through a hurried version of not-really-an-answer, OK?
Have good rest-of-the-day, Friday and weekends, everybody!
Apropos of nothing except my own Tv viewing habits, this week's Rescue Me is fun.
Bizarro Tommy with faith and everyone happy!
More than a little surreal.
this week's Rescue Me is fun
Thanks for mentioning that -t. I've been meaning to say how I thought that
Shiny Happy Denis Leary
was simultaneously
one of the funniest and creepiest
things I've ever seen.
I know, Frankenbuddha! I kept thinking.
who's dream are we seeing? But no one ever woke up.
So weird. And so funny.
Good lord. I am freezing and bored and I thought I'd do some filing (that's when you know it's bad), but I can't get into the office with the file cabinets. BAH.