If you want, I can ask my mom and stepdad to show you around/take you flying/whatever.
Wow! Juliana, that's marvelous! Thank you for the lovely offer! (The thought of flying around Alaska makes me boggle: I've never been in a small plane.)
Um, I don't really know. The project may require me to be there for 2 or 3 weeks, but apparently there's all sorts of politics about it, which is why (I think) it's been pushed back. I need to talk to my boss.
I'll tell you how much you suck when I see you later.
Well, that's all right then. Besides, you'll actually get there before me, I think: I don't land until 8. Although I'll get to the hotel earlier than I feared, since Minnow, being the sweet and generous soul she is, is picking me up from the airport.
Oh, and I meant to say: I love Dell Support! I called to cancel the overnight shipping, and they removed the charges for it but left the actual shipping order in place. So I get my overnight shipping for free! ::bounces:: I will have my laptop a week from tomorrow!
Jessica, what was the girl in the pink dress? A model?
Teppy makes my blush.
Suela! Have a great time, OK?
I think Pink-dress Girl is the model, yes. Or possibly a Model-in-Training attending Charm School.
Consuela, my parents love hosting, and seeing the tundra from a small plane is amazing (provided you don't get airsick, like I do). Let me know when/if you'll be going, and I'll get you in touch with them.
In other news: The most decorated penguin at the Edinburgh Zoo
I've always thought Norway was cool.
If only the U.S. was this cool - we could replace Rumsfeld with an Emperor penguin.
Teppy makes my blush.
Nilly, I hope you understand how significant it is that, after I spent almost 5 years in a church that was ultimately damaging to me and to my view of God, your way of explaining *your* relationship with God is one of the only things that makes me think that it'll be possible for *me* to have a relationship with God some day.
That's REALLY significant.
Takes 466.97 cans of Pepsi to kill me but only 410.76 of RC. I may have to switch to the latter.
OK, going away to hide myself in shame over my babblingness.
That's crazy talk! Also, you mispelled "eloquence".
Besides, you'll actually get there before me, I think: I don't land until 8.
Provided I don't get stuck in traffic for six hours.