So - disappointing. But still kind of exciting.
Oh, I love the way you're looking at the state of affairs. You do seem to have a lot of good that you can do, and I hope it turns out to be as good for you.
For my national service, I worked at an education center regarding enviromental issues. The first year I was there, the place was only opened, not completely built yet, no lesson plans or teaching materials ready. I loved the opportunity to actually create things from scratch, shape the way the place will end up looking. So it was a sort of a combination - both preparing things for the first time, and using them "on the spot", since that's all we had then. Years later, they're still using the library there the way I organized it, my lesson plans, the toys and sets that I made, and the movies that I tried to collect. I love that fact. For the second year of national service, the girl can choose whether to continue at the place she was on the first year, or go to a new place. I chose to stay - I wanted to get a chance to really use all the things I've just finished making. And that was wonderful, to me, as well - check my thoughts and former attempts, comparing reality with theory for a longer period of time, fixing things. So I sort of see what you mean, I think.
So I guess it's a sort of an unknown to get into, isn't it? Then again, you were adventurous enough to go all the way to Egypt for a job, so I guess you're not easily intimidated. I hope things will continue to work out for you!
Remind me that I don't actually have to try to help poor lost noodles on the New York lj community? Honestly.
You don't have to help them, and I don't have to help newbies in the D.C. communities.
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are developing software for cell phones that would analyze speech patterns and voice tones to rate people -- on a scale of 0 to 100 percent -- on how engaged they are in a conversation
Oh my god, I cannot. imagine. how much THAT would suck.
So - disappointing. But still kind of exciting.
Actually, that all sounds extremely cool. I know it's not the job you signed up for, and I know you're anxious to get back into the classroom--but if it turns out to be as interesting and useful as you've made it seem, then I think it could be a really good position to have for a year. Good luck, in any case!
Man, reading those posts from both of you (Fay and Nilly) just now, I was hit with a strong wave of longing to be doing something more useful and important in the world. Hence, library school, or that's the theory anyway. This is a pretty constant theme in my life of late--what should I be doing, how can I best use my skills and talents to make a positive difference? I hope I'm on the right path. You both (and so many others of you!) are a real inspiration to me.
My cat seems to think that if he heeps licking my elbows it will make me get up and feed him.
Skipping like mad to promote my sister's show in LA - two mentions in the Times! [link] and [link]
The mercurial Marc Otto takes a virtuosic head trip across his fears, overseen by his colleagues as a pungent flock of birds.
My brother-in-law.
Melanya Helene, who co-founded Brooklyn Bay with Kelman, brings delicious abandon to her celebration of divine sexuality.
My sister. Not how I usually like to think of my sister, but what can you do?
OMG I don't want to work today. Even though I'm planning on leaving at 3 to drive to Chicago.
Kate, I don't think I got to congratulate you on the library school thing, so, hey, Go You!
This is a pretty constant theme in my life of late--what should I be doing, how can I best use my skills and talents to make a positive difference? I hope I'm on the right path.
I keep asking myself that, too, more often that not. And I'm still looking for right path. So it's really strange that you say this about me. Teachers, however, do have the possibility to make a huge positive difference - and it's such a hard work (one of my roommates teaches Junior High).
shrift, in case I don't get to post with you until you leave, I hope you have a great trip.
shrift, in case I don't get to post with you until you leave, I hope you have a great trip.
Thanks! I know I will. I have a trunk full of booze and nosh, and I'm going to hang out with Dana and Consuela and Vonnie and Katie M and Micole and a bunch of other awesome people.
Now I just have to get there.
That sound really cool, Nilly. I'm glad you had such a positive experience with National Service!
Then again, you were adventurous enough to go all the way to Egypt for a job, so I guess you're not easily intimidated. I hope things will continue to work out for you!
You know, I don't think it really took much courage. In fact, I think it's a lot easier to up sticks and go to a job in another country than it would have been to move to another city in the UK where I didn't know anyone, and start over. Am secretly chicken.
Kate, I think Library school sounds
Timelies! I wish it was Friday. I would really like to take tomorrow off. And I already have Monday off!