The ethiopian crepe-y tortilla things did give me pause for a bit, but I decided I liked them after all.
That's the one bread I don't like. I don't especially like sourdough to begin with (sorry, San Franciscans), and the Ethiopian stuff is like a concentrated version of what I don't like about sourdough.
I don't like sourdough either, but I like injera. Probably not straight, though--only with yummy food on it.
I OD'ed on mac&cheese years ago
Is that even possible?
I love a small amount of this, but by the time I'm half-way through the meal I find it off-putting for some reason.
Naan, though. Yum. You could get that in the grocery store in Montreal. I used to use it for sandwiches, what was left after I ate the first couple right out of the bag anyway.
I OD'ed on ramen in college (I think that's a degree requirement, along with 2 phys. ed. credits and a couple of science classes). In spite of considerable effort, I haven't managed to OD on mac & cheese.
Mmm sourdough.
Jilli, I should have added that immediately after they have to take you to Roscoe's.
OK, so far so good with the bread food-porn discussion.
What about dumplings?
I was just thinking, it's sorta sad, but most of my belongings would easily fit in Hank.
Probably not straight, though--only with yummy food on it.
I think that was what tipped me over to deciding it was ok; it wasn't bread for bread's sake, it was a bready delivery device. Much like how I treat tortillas (though good tortillas are a joy alone.)
Is that even possible?
It was all my family could cook that my dad, brother and I would eat, tuesday and thursday nights while mom was in class for a few years. (and probably all we could afford that we'd risk ruining.) Eventually, I got tired of it and started branching out, but the damage had already been done.
oh my god! After reading this thread I wany Ethopian and Indian food all at once!
I went to Shake Shack for lunch today because soon my best work friend is leaving-- Shack burger and a concrete. But I'm so full I had to skip all the food talk before it makes me ill.