I'd never heard of his community before.
Me either. What a horrible thing.
Epicurean pleasures should be for every time!
I can get behind that.
My favorite lunch when I was working in the city was this amazing chunky chicken salad from the deli across the street, on pumpernickel bread, with fresh brewed iced tea and an orange.
Here is a fun one: what are you having/did you have for lunch? What is your ideal workday lunch?
Today I had 3 slices of leftover veggie pizza and some tortilla chips. Curent ideal workday lunch is take-out teppanyaki shrimp w/fried rice and vegetables, though if I had my druthers the lady who used to run Country Boy Bakery would still be making steamed roast beef and swiss sandwiches on croissants.
The Potter gang as the Scoobies: [link]
Of course this brings up the question, who wins in an academic smackdown, Willow or Hermione?
ooh, tough call.
Because Hermione is Cause Girl too, with the house-elf advocacy and such.
Of course this brings up the question, who wins in an academic smackdown, Willow or Hermione?
Lisa Simpson.
No, they'd figure out the advantages of combining the talents. They're clever enough for that. And then they'd rule the world, or at least invent a time machine or a personalized perfect-lunch generetor.
[Edited: or they'd find a way to post without any grammaticl errors without the need for editing. Like I did just now.]
I had Panda Express on Monday that was really good. I was surprised. Chicken with potatoes.
Gotta go with Willow, who knows muggle stuff too.
or a personalized perfect-lunch generetor.
I already have that. It's called The Ferry Building.
I already have that. It's called The Ferry Building.
Which button do you press for Jamaican food?