Gus, I can't tell if you're mad at the world, or mad at the board. I hope you're okay.
On a totally different track, or maybe not... The Po River is wasted, dude.
ROME (Reuters) - The mighty Po river is not only Italy's longest. It also may be the highest, at least judging by the amount of cocaine coursing through its waters.
Italian scientists, trying to develop a new way of measuring levels of drug abuse, tested the river's waters for excreted cocaine, and for its main urinary metabolic by-product benzoylecgonine.
They say that the equivalent of about $400,000 worth of cocaine was flowing through the 652 km-long (405 mile) river every day.
Gus, I asked you what was up, and then I went to bed. Sorry -- I didn't ditch you; it was just after midnight and I had to get some sleep.
In any case, I get the lonely, man. I sure do get it. And it sucks. But, for me, having invisible friends on the other side of the computer screen (you all ARE in there, right? RIGHT???) helps a LOT. I hope it's some help for you.
Gus, sorry that you’re feeling down. I get that way too sometimes. I’ve got great friends and a great life, but sometimes, I just want someone to cuddle with. All I can offer is a virtual squishie and a rain check for the next F2F.
Yeah. In the 80s there was a ridiculous cop TV series called Automan,
HMOG, I LOVED Automan. Deliciously bad classic 80s! And he could only be around at night because he took so much power to run that “they” would have noticed the drain during the day. Wasn’t his human partner some sort of police flunky? Like a computer guy or something?
I also like one of the News-In-Brief headlines they have: "New Pepsi Negative-220 Burns Twice The Calories It Contains".
"Anti-falling physicists have been theorizing for decades about the 'electromagnetic force,' the 'weak nuclear force,' the 'strong nuclear force,' and so-called 'force of gravity,'" Burdett said. "And they tilt their findings toward trying to unite them into one force. But readers of the Bible have already known for millennia what this one, unified force is: His name is Jesus."
I dunno. I'd tend to think that the weak nuclear force would be the responsibility of the Holy Spirit.
I don't know if it was here or elsewhere that someone mentioned a Jack Chick tract where quarks were asserted to be little Jesuses.
Found it! [link]
It's okay, Raq. I'm like...90% over it. If you still wanted to COMM, go ahead. I wouldn't have said it if I felt raw about it, still. So glad to have a community where that can be a joke instead of a Cry For Help...all the same, maybe I better put down "No Cure For Cancer" and back away slowly.
Raise your hand if you think AS is the luckiest woman in Australia.