I spoiled myself by reading the LJ read-and-posts. I haven't read the last several books anyway, so it was a fun way to ride in the wake of the Event of it.
Yup. I gave up after GoF, but I do like watching the fandom reaction.
Gronk. It cooled down just a bit here, and my mother and I are watching Eddie Izzard. Earlier, I had dinner with a bunch of lovely people at my favorite Japanese restaurant. Yum.
Did we know that Sandra Bullock apparently married Jesse James?
Oh, and in mother news, mine said I have a bunion! I was like, Oh no you didn't! But I guess I do. It doesn't hurt or anything, but still -- weird. Aren't bunions for sketchy old ladies??
Oh, Paul=Plei's DH. I think I even knew that; I was too quick in my skimming.
I'm just startng HP6 now. My problem is that I've forgotten most of what's happened up to this point. But I'm sure I'll manage.
HP6: All hail Rowlings, the last of the wealthy print writers.
In two days, the book has made at least $100 million in sales.
She's killed more trees than Stephen King!
But didn't quite have quite the same lust for the kill.
I would post something here about how the Rowlings machine was doing some pretty draconian things to suppress online distribution of the meme, but I love the books and it would be me starting yet another argument where I am not sure of my position.
Someone on 4400 has been through Scientology Hell.
Fifty minutes later: Scientology as a topic scares people.
Chilling effect is alive and well.