Goldberg was the one claiming these people are "screwing up America" and that basic premise is what's flawed.
That's the book title, yeah. But from listening to what he said (I haven't read the book) it sounded like the book's argument is "this is A problem in America" not "this is the ONLY problem in America." Jon basically conceded that coarsening culture is a problem; I would have argued that point, and forgotten the "but this is worse!"
Also, if I was doing the interview, I would have made Goldberg justify some of the more ridiculous inclusions, like Jimmy Carter. Including Roy Moore does not match putting the founder of Habitat for Humanity at number six, you know?
I think Jon Stewart had fun, but as a whole that interview really wasn't more enlightening than watching Sean Hannity skewer some poor Democrat. And I expect more from TDS.
Point Pleasant is coming out on dvd.
Jimmy Carter is screwing up America? Damn him for building homes for poor people.
I would have made Goldberg justify some of the more ridiculous inclusions, like Jimmy Carter. Including Roy Moore does not match putting the founder of Habitat for Humanity at number six, you know?
That's asshattedness, that is.
I would have made Goldberg justify some of the more ridiculous inclusions, like Jimmy Carter. Including Roy Moore does not match putting the founder of Habitat for Humanity at number six, you know?
That's an excellent point. I gather Righties hate Carter, but I'd still have had to call him on it.
My Congresscritter is #38 on Goldberg's list. And frankly, I'm not crazy about McDermott, and if the Greens would put up a challenger, I'd vote for him or her in a heartbeat. But still, Goldberg said Seattle was "ground zero for overpriced coffee," and home of more "progressive loonies than anyplace else on the Left Coast."
I'm so proud! You have to be out some tough competition to be the looniest leftiest city on this coast!
I gather Righties hate Carter
This boggles. He has worked for peace and homes for the poor ever since he left office. Nobel Peace Prize for God's sake. Why would they hate him?
I don't know how anyone could hate Carter. I can see them disagreeing with him, or resenting him (maybe, well not really, but I can allow for it), but he's so dear, so sincere, pretty wise, and so very good.
He did challenge individuals by naming Barbra Streisand on the one hand and pointing out that there were three conservatives on the list-- and one had killed an abortion doctor! That right there pretty much said all you needed about Goldberg's book. If his problem is coarsening, Jimmy Carter, Barbra Streisand and a murderer do not belong on the same list.
I also thought his casual use of slurs was kind of offensive, as if he relished being able to say them on-air, as well as his whole fantasy example of a Fox News channel-- I mean, if your example is all about offensiveness that doesn't occur in real life, don't you destroy your whole point about how we've got no bounds on offensiveness?