Freaks. All y'all.
Great. So had a near brown out in the neighborhood. Voltage(?) dropped such that everything dimmed and HORRORS the compressor went off. Did you know a minute without the compressor, but with the fans can increase my apartment temp by 1 degree? Blerg. This needs to break.
Uh. So, I was scrolling through the Tim images, and um, um. Um.
Do you know what that site is, Allyson? It looks like someone was trying to make a mystery web site but ... didn't. (or, at least, didn't make it easy to navigate.)
Click & Clack with balls on their butts crawling under a net! So goofy.
(in case anyone is wondering, a Nova thing.)
Do I want so-so pizza or so-so Chinese food for dinner?
If you go to the site itself you can navigate better. Though I never figured out which room you find "Tim's" wallet in.
Anyone got a word for old people that's not "elderly" or "senior"? I feel there's got to be some obvious one I'm not thinking of.
"Geriatric"? "Maturity-enhanced"? "Sun-ripened"?
But what a beautiful turn of phrase. I'm going to have to keep that in my pocket for the next time I'm in the hot seat. "Well, that prompts some questions I can't immediately answer."
I'm giving a lecture tomorrow. Betcha I get to use it before the week's out.
This is my favorite. Ima gonna use it when I'm old and wrinkled.
The morgue.
I have yet to come across a morgue. However, once you have Tim's wallet, you can use his credit card to open a closet on the 3rd floor and find a mummified ear.