Happy Birthday, Kat!!!
Also...do I really have to take a damned vision and knowledge test to get my CA license? Really? I've had my license since 1991, for chrissake.
I had to. CA was the only state I've moved to that required the knowledge test.
Ohio makes you do this, too. As well as getting an Ohio TITLE for the car, an e-check, and taking the tests--ALL IN DIFFERENT FUCKING LOCATIONS. The Ohio DMV is high on my shit list, even after seven years.
I'd rather swallow glass than drive any length of time with a cat. When we moved to Ohio, Bogey didn't take the three hour trip well. He leaked from both ends and had this eerie, high pitched cry. I had no idea he'd get so carsick, else I'd have gotten something to sedate him, poor thing.
Dammit. Work is stressing me, even though I'm doing lots of work stuff that needs to be done. Feh.
So I stopped home for lunch and finally got the books I ordered two weeks ago. (They made it as far as the local USPS hub, then someone sent them out to Denver for a couple days and they made it back to the hub yesterday. In addition, somewhere during the journey the box was apparently involved in a game of package baseball, though whether it was used as the ball or a base, I'm not sure.)
I also recieved a letter from my insurance company saying they will not renew my policy when it expires in September. Which logically is fine, considering how much they dicked me around after my second accident, I really need to get a different company, but it still feels like a personal offense.
God, Jesse, can you stop being so damned intolerant for a second?
It's like different people can have different tastes. Literally. That can't be right.
How come Plei gets this, and I get stuck with the grey leather tongue!?!
I just... I just need a minute.
I'll be OK.