I kind of think it makes sense, though, since the laws are different from state to state.
Yeah, me too. Of course, I didn't know about the test before I showed up, but guessing like a 85 yr old lady got me through it. Got me through every test so far, basically. Except for the Traffic School test. That was actually hard.
I kind of think it makes sense, though, since the laws are different from state to state.
Yeah, I've never been bothered by it.
the inner ear can sense stuff like acceleration and deceleration (at least I think that's where they keep the organs)
Thanks, ita. (Of course, my scary visual place now imagines musical instruments inside cat's ears. Silly me). I've been more skipping than anything else lately - have you been already to Montreal this year? If so, how was it, and if not, are you planning on doing this? IIRC, it was around these dates last year, that's why I ask.
Not that I remember anything I learned when I got my original license a hundred years ago, and not that I really drive anymore, but needless to say, I have no idea what the NY standards are, and I have a valid NY driver's license.
But also, if they are standing, the actual acceleation will make them bobble on their feet, or at least they'll find it hard to stand while accelerating and they are more apt to fall over.
But once you're going a steady speed, they're good.
Bear, on the other hand, stands for the entire ride with her head out the window. even at 85 MPH. In fact, she might get tired (during a 5 hour car ride) and lie down, but as soon as you roll the window up, she's back on her feet, begging.
It makes sense, it just is a pain. Unless you are one of the lucky few who has an incredibly organized, transparent and helpful DMV/MVA.
There's gotta be one, right?
Actually, CA's DMV, once you have your license, is good. they do renewal by mail or online.
Happy Birthday Kat!
Can I have some cake, too, since I'm glad you were born?
If so, how was it, and if not, are you planning on doing this?
I just got back early yesterday morning. It was fun! I had tickets for Eddie Izzard (who rocked, though not as hard as I've seen him rock, and he was in men's clothes to boot) and a Daily Show Exposé (funny and informative), and also watched a couple "industry" shows. And then, of course, there was hanging out with old friends and wandering through old haunts.
And getting bitten by mosquitoes, but I guess life isn't perfect.
I'll need a new license next birthday - I sincerely hope it's all mail, and that the address change I did online took and everything.