Kuma also does the same thing. He lies down once we are going past about 40 and stands up when we slow down again.
Great, Kat, spoil my lame physics joke with the facts.
But, no, really, that's quite interesting - they feel the difference in speed, it seems, from your post, from the car's responses? That's more than I could do before learning to drive and having to feel the actual difference and the time to change gears.
Today was a good day for several friends: one gave birth to a healthy baby girl, one was cleared in an investigation concerning a car accident she was involved in, one finished unpacking from her move. I hope the good vibes will be shared.
Also...do I
have to take a damned vision and knowledge test to get my CA license? Really? I've had my license since 1991, for chrissake.
DMV's across the nation can bite me.
Also...do I really have to take a damned vision and knowledge test to get my CA license? Really? I've had my license since 1991, for chrissake.
I had to. CA was the only state I've moved to that required the knowledge test.
CA was the only state I've moved to that required the knowledge test.
NC does too. Not that either of you is moving here, of course.
they feel the difference in speed, it seems, from your post, from the car's responses?
IIRC O level biology, the inner ear can sense stuff like acceleration and deceleration (at least I think that's where they keep the organs).
DMV's across the nation can bite me.
They are not worthy.
Best of luck on your journey, Kristin. Daniel and Windsparrow have set the bar high, so we'll be expecting rest stop wifi updates.
I had to take the written test to get my La DL. That was because I waited too long between letting my california license expire and getting a louisiana one, though. I forget why I did that. I had a reason, probably something to do with insurance and not having a car. Oh, and losing my california license and not having a copy of my birth certificate. I had lots of reasons!
CA was the only state I've moved to that required the knowledge test.
MN requires knowledge and vision. Bastiges.
I think that IL makes you take the written test every 15 years or so when you renew your license.