Why the hell are there Mondays? I really must protest their existence.
Right there with you.
My morning started out by being woken up by a loud
The power transformer at the end of the block exploded (again. It does this every three months or so). No power, which meant no breakfast and no coffee. After I put on eyeliner and got dressed, we went to Whole Foods for organic egg McMuffin-thingamies, and triple-shot iced lattes, which while nice, did not quite make up for being woken up by an explosion.
If we're doing away with a day, I vote Tuesday. It's a nothing day. At least on Monday you have the memories of the weekend to tide you over. Wednesday is a hump day, but once it's over, it's all downhill until the weekend. On Thursday the next day is Friday, so you can go out that night knowing you only have to get through one more day. Friday is hardly a day at all, because it's Friday
that's important.
So, yes, do away with Bastard Tuesdays (as we call them where I work).
Ugh, Jilli.
Friday is hardly a day at all, because it's Friday night that's important.
I agree. And once you're of a certain age, or perhaps I reached that certain age at all is because I'm a mother of three children, Friday nights are crash night. That's it.
(Drinks on you! I want a caipirinha at the Death Star steakhouse!)
Honey, you get drinks *and* dessert.
We also just turned over the fic thread, we won't be needing a new name for quite a while.
until finally there's nothing left except for SciFi Friday and the weekend.
I think I can get behind this idea.
That's no way to wake up, Jilli. Transformers should not explode. Especially not regularly.
Transformers should not explode. Especially not regularly.
The one at the end of our block is right next to a Really Big Tree, that is prone to shedding branches. Branch + transformer = BOOM!
Branch + transformer = BOOM!
So, is there no way to shield said transformer from said sheddy tree? Like a big net or summat?
My sympathies on the boomy wake-up call, Jilli.
So, is there no way to shield said transformer from said sheddy tree? Like a big net or summat?
You would think so, wouldn't you? But nothing like that has been put into place.
Drawing one's eyebrows on before coffee? Tricky.
Transformers should not explode.
Anyone else go to a Hasbro place with this?
Dana, insent.
Ahh, I'm earwormed with the W-e-e-k-e-n-d song that Pop Tart used to play every Friday, but she graduated and doesn't have a show anymore and I can't find the lyrics anywhere. Endless loop of spelling.