the John Roberts I know was the head of the Mass. ACLU.
John Roberts is rated a great place to work
John Roberts is the Chief White House Correspondent for CBS News
John Roberts is a homosexual
John Roberts is clearly a man who has it all
John Roberts is hardly insignificant
John Roberts is now owned by AutoNations
John Roberts is literally living his dream as a puppet maker
John Roberts is continually investing in new technologies
John Roberts is recognized as a national leader in environmental protection
John Roberts is putting on a gladiator suit
John Roberts is a Coloradoan sports writer who writes a weekly baseball column
John Roberts is well-known for his chainsaw woodcarvings
John Roberts is going to fuck up our summers
John Roberts is amongst thousands of dentists worldwide reporting beneficial health effects for patients
John Roberts is sponsoring a fashion show on April 24th at Metropolis in downtown Cleveland
John Roberts is recognized as a national leader in environmental protection
John Roberts is going to fuck up our summers
Only one of these statements is true.
Happy birthday, vw! In order to truly celebrate all you have accomplished this year personally, academically, and in terms of work, it'll take more than one measly day! I admire your strength and courage more than I can say.
It looks like the red blob has eaten Oak Park.
Evanston is free of blobs of any color. There are more blobs west of us; maybe one will get Evanston....
crosses fingers....
Thanks so much everyone! And Nilly, please do add me to the birthday list :)
I had a fabulous pancake breakfast with a good friend. It was a lovely way to start out the day. Now I'm busy the rest of the day interviewing potential roommates...not the most fun thing on the planet, but necessary all the same.
In other Bush Admin news, the other photos and videos from Abu Gharib were supposed to be released by court order, but have been blocked at the last minute.
Happy birthday, vw!!!! May this year be your happiest until next year!
A description of the Federalist Society from the Washington Monthly - a centrist Democratic publication