Hippo birdies to you, V-Dub!
I'm here in Scottsdale, AZ, where it is authentically warm (like 90) but dry enough in the AM that I've got my hotel room balcony door wide open so I can hear the mourning doves and sniff deserty air. It's not going to be a dry heat later, but for now it's pretty good-feeling.
I can't decide whether to try to go to the pool before breakfast starts at 7 AM. Yes, that's right, they really do start their day that early at the summer conferences... partly because so many of them are ex-schoolteachers, I think. Since my body is still on MA time, I'm less put out than you might think.
I wish I had one of VWBug's carob cupcakes right now. So what if they were intended for Toto? Best use of carob I've come across yet! (Also, they're cow-free and vegan, so Jen and I both had an unexpected treat.)
A hummingbird just flew by my balcony. More bulletins as they develop....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY VW!!!!! You're a rock star, yes you are.
Drooling over the hybrid SUVs. Don't really want an SUV, but we do need a vehicle suitable for hauling sets, and I'm tired of driving the giant Sierra around in the city (not to mention the gas bill).
Happy Birthday to VW!!!
and your little dog too!!
I woke up with what feels like a heat headache. Which doesn't makes sense since this weekend was quite pleasant (compared to what it had been) and my apartment was 70 this morning. Maybe I'll blame it on the cats who stole my pillows last night.
Or monday.
Happy Birthday VW!
My Saturn SC-1 gets between 30 and 35 mpg. It's also a 3-door coupe with minimal haulage, and has the pickup of an asthmatic snail, so it's probably not what most folks are looking for. Still, it got me to Charlottesville and back on less than a tank of gas, which was nice.
so, I looked at the pollen index on weather.com. It is very high around here. and everywhere I lived or visted in the last 15 years. So the 97 bajillion meds - I would be takeing anywhere. I can't decide if this is reassureing or annoying.
Happy Birthday vw! I hope you have a great day!
I have an appointment with the optometrist in about 25 minutes, and physio at lunchtime, plus a bunch of work to get done today. Hmm, clearly I need more caffeine.
My Saturn SC-1
Is that the automatic? In the SL2 we noticed a big difference between the automatic and manual when it came to pick up. ( not with the VUE - but we have the big engine) ( Matt was tired of pushing his car of the Sunol grade)