I am on a laptop at my house and using someone elses wireless WOOHOO!
Can I come visit, so I can kill it, just like I did Steph's, and Aurelia's, and Nicole's?
You didn't destroy mine, for it is immune to your wily ways. You may have destroyed Deena's, though.
MOM! Perkins is ignoring me!
Noodle her!
I think all late-night Natterings to Kat shall now include a noodle reference. Henceforth and forever more, or until I forget.
Also? Last night's amusing lack of keyboard control was likely brought on by a random poking towards the delete key in minimal lighting. I just almost did it again.
My neighbors are crashing things around. It sounds like they are moving their trash cans. Possibly into traffic as the crashing is much too loud for trash cans not being banged about by something large.
Or we have trolls. It might be trolls. In which case, I am not going to go snarling at them because trolls are rather unpredictable.
there was noodling today, Cass. Noodling and diving. and other lounging around.
Can we go noodling next weekend, Kat?
Random viewing tip: Debet and I discovered tonight that
Unsolved History
can be comedy gold. You must all tivo "1906: The Great Quake Coverup". Drink any time you see the shadow of the helicoptor, a shot they are reusing, or hear them use a fuzzy statistic. We would include every time there was a cheesy effect, but then you'd be passed out before halfway through the show.
The voiceover person sounds like a female William Shatner. The show SO desperately wants to be CSI and so is not.
Sigh... Pools are lovely things.
Last weekend at the uncle and uncle-in-law's place, we swam before we made dinner. It felt decadent, like the best vacation ever.