BF's cousin is staying overnight so we are entertaining her. She picks up her niece at the airport in the morning and we all meet BF's sister for lunch. Movies tomorrow evening with friends, then brunch with other friends on Sunday and a baby shower on Sunday afternoon. We know toooooo many people.
To carry over my bragging from LJ, did I mention I had dinner with this guy
lst night?
YOU HAD DINNER WITH BRIAN KINNEY????? Dude, I'm so jealous. What's he like IRL? He seems kinda shy.
Dear attorney,
If you ask me to search for things that happened in the last 5 years,
and I tell you I didn't find any, please do not call me up and ask why I didn't find something that happened over 5 years ago.
Ta ever so much,
I mention I had dinner with this guy
You are a cruel, taunty woman! Oh yes, soooo jealous!
Also very jealous of Robin.
Robin, can i come over and smell your hair?
Not Brian Kinney but Gale Harold. :) He's very laid back and very much a GUY. He has a way cool vintage truck and we talked old cars and motorcycles and other stuff like that. A very nice, unassuming and open fellow. It's great to meet an actor whose performances (and bone structure) one admires and find they are a person you actually like.
I'm glad to hear he's a cool guy. Is he still dating Michelle Clunie? Enquiring minds want to know!
He came alone to the barbecue, so who knows. He just finished moving to LA for good.
Also, he is very tall.
He's very laid back and very much a GUY
You know before when I said I was jealous? I lied. I'm extra-jealous with a side of green now. How neat! I'm so glad to know that he's cool.