more at the link....
You know, we're all crotchdroppings. That's what cracks me up about the LJ cf communities. I truly believe a person should have kids ONLY if the person wants to. I don't think there's anything weird/off/wrong/bad about not wanting kids, or not enjoying kids in an adult setting (schmancy restaurant; grown-up party; etc.), nor do I blame cf people for being annoyed that the world expects them to have children. But the child and family hate I see in these communities is mind-boggling. It's like they think they sprang fully formed from Zeus's head. Or ass.
more at the link....
Please, no more. Ever.
I just remembered why I don't like people. And it's Sass' fault. Damn her, him, whatev for having a name even close to mine. I'm furious. On principle of course, not out of any sense of entitlement. Well yes, entitlement also. But I
it, I
Wow, that link was really, really pathetic and annoying.
That particular community is definitley lunatic fringe, though.
That particular community is definitley lunatic fringe, though.
Yeah. No matter what stuff you're obsessed with, there's always folks more obsessed than you that you can make fun of.
(For values of "you" = "me" and maybe others.)
I googled it on Fandom Wank to see the comments over there. My favorite?
My fandom doesn't even pretend to have a life.
I need an icon with this. An icon with Spike on it. I know it's from a Potter fan, but I don't care.
Fandom is crazy. HP fandom has extra crazy sauce.
Ah, fandom, that has such whackaloons in it.
Yup, it's the Friday of a holiday weekend in Utah. Not much in the way of interesting local news
Marijuana has been found growing in a planter on Salt Lake City's Main Street and on City Hall grounds.
There's a Ms. Pac Man cocktail table game? Linky?
Here 'tis: [link]
That's the one Emmett plays at the local cafe. Same place we shoot pool. Which at one time, was not a cafe, but a club called Nightbreak and Chris Isaak played there regularly, as did 4 Non-Blondes when they were still called Lesbian Snake Charmers (a much cooler name). Linda Perry could holler like a punk rock Ethel Mermen.
I just sent an email to someone at work.
Could [client]'s impression be due to the relative darkness of the box around the man in the hat's lungs which is orange as opposed to yellow or pale chartreuse-like green? Also, the baby image has more skin showing.
Can I go home now? Or, as an alternative, move to Utah.