And you call yourself a life-deprived internet junkie, -t?
No, not really. But I had slow dial up and slow machines for a loooooong time. So I may have had the links forwarded to me but didn't bother looking at anything that wasn't text. I think my husband showed me the Hampsterdance when I picked him up after work or something. Back when he wasn't my husband yet.
Hey, look at the time, I've said too much.
Do you have to download that Google earth thing, or is it just a page?
Do you have to download that Google earth thing, or is it just a page?
It's an application you have to download. It requires Windows 2000 or Windows XP if you are using a Windows computer. Tis cool
It looks it, but I already have so much stuff on my PC (which runs XP). It feels like a bigger commitment than I'm willing to make.
Apparently, I live in one of the Top 5 Sexiest Suburbs in the country!
Newport made the list. Huh. I mean, Newport's nice and all, but I've never thought of it as particularly sexy.
Who's Roger Clark, bon bon? I'll take my answer off the air, as I gotta get out of here.
Roger Clark is the affable guy who does the weekend anchoring duties as well as the general beat during the week-- he and Pat are always joshing each other in the mornings, and I swoon, they are so adorable together. There was this one time he went to a kitten shelter, I about died.
Darn. I missed the Duct Tape Festival
Huh. Our biggest client sent me an envelope by certified mail. Inside was a crisp $50 bill.
Best not to question the Unexpected Money Gods, no?
No. What time are you picking me and Kathy up for drinks?
New favorite spam sender: Responsibly L. Gimme.
Sounds like a Suzette Hayden Elgin character...