Apparently, I live in one of the Top 5 Sexiest Suburbs in the country! Although I'm not too sure about that percentage of married residents--only 10%? Must be because of all the apartments/condos in town.
Also, has anyone else seen this death notice yet (Chicago Trib reg. req'd)? I want one just like it.
Contributions to the Wake County (N.C.) Hospice Services are welcomed. Opinions about the details of this obit are not, since Mom would have liked it this way.
Apparently, I live in one of the Top 5 Sexiest Suburbs in the country! Although I'm not too sure about that percentage of married residents--only 10%? Must be because of all the apartments/condos in town.
Ohhh...aren't we fancy? And sexy. And stuff. They mention Cucina Paradiso in the story, and I gotta say, very yummy and great date spot.
Is hotmail kicking anyone elses ass?
I love that the "Vibe" is "Total and utter confidence." Guess we're not obsessing over Hemingway's famous (but now outdated) putdown of Oak Park, "A place of wide lawns and narrow minds."
Gee, it's great to be sentimental about stuff from 1998....
Bah, All Your Base and Mahir were way bigger than hampsterdance. Bah!
"A place of wide lawns and narrow minds."
BWAH! Unless, like me, you live on the south side, then narrow lawns. Of course, I don't even have a lawn 'cuz apartment dweller.
I never heard of Mahir and didn't see the All Your Base thing until recently (like, in the past year, I think), but even I saw the Hampsterdance.
suburbs? sexy?
msbelle, we'll have to get you to DC. Check out Old Town Alexandria, at minimum.
I don't know if it's exactly sexy, but certainly funkier than your average suburb.