It seems like hyperbole, and maybe I can't avoid it, but your kids don't need your consent to have some stranger who doesn't have your kids' best interest at heart inject their bodily fluids into your kids' bodies, which is really what sex is. A penis is like the world's grossest hypodermic needle. Could get you pregnant, could give you syphillis.
As medical procedures go, getting one pregnant (or diseased) doesn't require any formal training.
In one hour, I will officially be on vacation.
I don't think I'm going to do any more work today.
What's Ew about that. Okay, maybe I'd expect that reaction from Emily.
Edit - Oops, didn't see Allyson's post for some reason. That makes more sense now.
Heh, that's how my doctor explained things to me when i asked for birth control when i was a kid. She said that the pill was all fine and dandy, but to also insist that condoms always be used.
It's raining again!
Oh no, I hope your love's not at an end.
Edit - Oops, didn't see Allyson's post for some reason. That makes more sense now.
I'm totally sending my kids to Auntie Allyson for The Talk.
No offense to my friends who have penises, of course.