Played with Kaylee. Sun came out, and I walked on my feet and heard with my ears. I ate the bits, the bits stayed down, and I work. I function like I'm a girl. I hate it because I know it'll go away. The sun goes dark and chaos has come again. Bits. Fluids. What am I?!

River ,'War Stories'

Natter 37: Oddly Enough, We've Had This Conversation Before.  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

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JenP - Aug 21, 2005 5:58:11 pm PDT #10001 of 10002

I like Jess's poem.

Well, yeah. What's not to like?

DXMachina - Aug 21, 2005 5:59:45 pm PDT #10002 of 10002
You always do this. We get tipsy, and you take advantage of my love of the scientific method.

This conversation is done. If you'd like to continue yakking, a very special episode of Natter may be found here:

"Natter .38 Special" Aug 21, 2005 7:59:37 pm PDT

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