I think a politician could do well with the message that people should be entitled to health care as a citizen instead of as an employee lucky enough to be employed by someone who can and will provide it.
Absolutely. (The "But Sweden does it!" angle won't work, but the "As Americans, you're entitled to lots of free shit" angle seems a no-brainer.)
runs away
(too nice to be in front of the computer)
(enjoying vacation at home very much)
That state will not be Florida.
I sometimes think the only way it will happen is if businesses insist on it so they can continue to compete with businesses in the rest of the world.
But they'll probably just outsource to said rest of world instead.
Yes, but the average American doesn't give a damn what they do in other countries. Most people just have faith that the American way of doing things is the best.
The average American seems to be easily swayed by the horrific notion of his or her Hard Earned Money going to support Someone Else. The average American is very bad at seeing the big picture.
I took the test and was the Peter Davison doctor. And hey -- they don't have the last two doctors as part of the test.
And no fair having "The Master" as a possible result.
Yes, but the average American doesn't give a damn what they do in other countries. Most people just have faith that the American way of doing things is the best.
Plus the whole Reaganistic idea that "The government is the problem, not the solution" is so well entrenched it will take a long time to undo.
The average American seems to be easily swayed by the horrific notion of his or her Hard Earned Money going to support Someone Else. The average American is very bad at seeing the big picture.
Yes. Yes. And YES. Americans think that "national health care" means "shitty health care". And they honestly think that they're only having trouble paying for their own healthcare because of the bureacracy--NOT because we're ALREADY PAYING FOR HEALTHCARE FOR THE UNINSURED. It's infuriating.
I think Hawaii has state-wide health care or has come close a few times.
The National Healthcare = Shitty Healthcare argument has been very successful. "Fortunately" HMOs are getting pretty shitty themselves.
Timelies, all.
I would so vote for a vw/Toto ticket. "Treats for all!" Hee.
And they honestly think that they're only having trouble paying for their own healthcare because of the bureacracy--NOT because we're ALREADY PAYING FOR HEALTHCARE FOR THE UNINSURED.
This. God yes, this. It's amazing.
Back in the early '90s, the GAO (which is non-partisan and highly respected) reported that the best solution for America's health care would be to copy the Canadian system. The New York Times did not cover this. Coincedentally, the guy who was running the NYT owned a lot of stock in insurance companies.
Just one example of why national healthcare doesn't get a fair shake in the US.
DH is an actuary (at least he's property/casualty--not health) but he thinks it's only a matter of time before we go to nationalized healthcare. The sooner, the better, too.