Sucky. I think you should throw this at them:
Please remember that our commitment is that no person will be denied membership to the YMCA based upon inability to pay. If you are concerned about the affordability of YMCA membership, our branch staff will be able to work out a membership plan that fits your needs.
I could aybe do that in a smaller community. In LA, they'll say, "Whatever. So swim in the ocean."
No, that's from the LA site.
No, that's from the LA site.
Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Things to ponder. Class is full until October anyway.
Em loves the water and loves being in it and I want to nurture this as much as possible.
I guess joining that Netflix thing the kids talk about might be a cost-efficient way. Or do I suck it up and start buying the series?
if you're not sure it's something you'll enjoy, i say netflix. if you think it will, there are some new (very cheap!) starburst editions of the boxsets. they're around $30 for the season. i think they've only released seasons 1 and 2 this way as of now though.
I do notice that the eps workout like: Disc 1 #1+7, Disc 2 #2+4, Disc 3 #3+5, etc. Any idea why they're not just in order?
this is one reason i didn't Netflix them. i dled. really though? the first season isn't at all arc-y and watching them in random order doesn't hurt.
So far, it's all of season 1 and 2/3 of season 2 in Starburst Editions. (At least, I think that's all.)
The Starburst editions have better extras than the originals, by the way: more commentary.
I have yet to actually watch with the commentary. i need to do that. i know ben and claudia are hilarious together.
They are. And you MUST NOT MISS the commentary on Jeremiah Crichton -- Browder, the writer, and the producer all take turns commenting on just how epically lousy an episode it is. Everybody mocks Ben's beard.