Glad the soreness is not bad, Perkins. The insurance maxing out is a bummer. Hope your system gets used to the antiobiotics, or something.
John Crichton and Jon Stewart are wrestling for the privilege of being my sekrit teevee boyfriend.
In Jello.
Calli sent me to a happy place.
I need to get up and go to work soon
I'm already at work. Wrong, I tell you, wrong.
And HR wants to meet again. About my insurance. Which they now say they can have start on Aug. 1, retro. They know I have an appt tomorrow (today if I just can't take it any longer) which they would be foolish to think I would reschedule. Oh well... At 10... If BC/BS needs to fax something to my doctor and pharmacy for this to be covered, fine. If they are going to make it difficult, I am going to be the biggest pain in their sides once I can move again.
Wrong, I tell you, wrong.
Very wrong. Has to be done though.
Feh on your HR people, Cass. I hope it all works out, soon.
Good lord, Cass. This has turned out to be a real pain in the ass for something that was supposed to be settled.
Well they expect to have me in the system by Friday. And I am guessing that they probably would like me to reschedule my appt until after that. Which innit happening. I might be rescheduling but only to today because y'ouch!
Sigh... It's just that I have been making people run and jump through hoops yesterday and now "Hey, we reclassified you with BC/BS and now you'll have been covered all month. Makes me wish that I had incurred any med bills at all from my hire date to Aug. 1 but actually had planned ahead and
t rolls eyes forever
How is the tooth area feeling?
for something that was supposed to be settled.
Six different ways now that I count up. And the thing that grates is that they could have told me they were still trying to get BC/BS to work instead of me running hoops (much harder than just jumping them) on the COBRA stuff...
I really hope this meemememememememeeeee is over soon. Or at least that it evolves into telling you what the doctor said and what the doctor proscribed and then getting laughed out cause it makes me sounds stoned. That would be better than this.
Mornin' All.
Good luck in the Home Stretch, cass.
Hope the tooth doesn't cause extra work misery, Perkins.
And y'all need to Step.Away from my Crichton.
Insurance shouldn't be allowed to max out. Cause, if it's too much for them to pay, how on earth are you supposed to?
Ah, Crichton. Ah, leather pants. I have no idea how on earth those would be practical for anything other than, say, motorcycles, but boy it made him look sexy and badass. Same for Sun, of course.