Ah, now I get it.
Yep. Didn't help that I got a bill for some little portion of my fun UTI experience several months back (might have been my co-pay actually as their accounting is never accurate) and just walking in the door, telling him what was wrong and the pee test was about $300. And I knew what was wrong. Right now? Not a clue. But I just made an appointment to see my doctor Thursday for my back. COBRA won't be set up yet, but I actually finally believe it will be. And my back hurts enough that I am willing to "pay out of pocket."
eta: Nope, $200. But $175 is walking in the door. Okay, I am prepared.
"Hmmm... I want to give Cass some grief!" pulls out frying pan, tortillas, some nice cheese, a little sliced avocado on the side and some benadryl
You totally get to make the rules.
Ever since then, everytime she asks how I am.
And expects you to answer? Wow, whole special level of stupid there.
Rise, Tom Scola. I accept the offering of your humility in my presence. Alas, I am not yet a powerful enough goddess to instantly disappear a sample of salsa from my kitchen into a bowl for you to partake of. However, if you spread the Good Salsa News, and make minions converts, my power shall grow and you will be rewarded with eternal salsa.
I don't know where I've been (socially), but I can't imagine asking bridesmaids to come up with more than maybe $50 max for a shower for the brides (and truly I think that is excessive). I always thought the BM was responsible for dress/shoes and that was it.
Our wedding was out of town for both of our families. We paid for everyone's hotel bill. It was massive but *we* invited them to come and it seemed like the right thing to do. An invitation should not come iwth a price tag.
As an aside, the dog is barking furiously out the window at a blimp. Can't say as I blame her.
I need an oven thermometer, does any one have any suggestions about buying them?
Right up there with Kiddie Birthday Inflation.
I started getting those damned B-day catalogs right before Owen turned 1. Sickening with the theme decorations, goodie bags, toys, etc. *shudder*
My kids better be satisfied with cupcakes and a donkey's ass.
My kids better be satisfied with cupcakes and a donkey's ass.
As long as you never give them the idea that they have much say in the matter, they ought to be. The biggest birthday party my parents ever gave me, was taking me and two school friends to McDonalds. Most years, if any more than cake and prezzies at home with just the nuclear family was involved, it was going out for ice cream with one set of cousins.
I was generally quite happy with this arrangement.
We had pretty neat parties. But they weren't huge. A swimming party at the church swimming pool. My brother had cook out parties. One summer right before my birthday my brother came down with the chickenpox. Mom called all the mothers to let them know and cancel the party. The other mothers said they'd send their kids and hope they'd come down with the chickenpox.
As long as you never give them the idea that they have much say in the matter, they ought to be. The biggest birthday party my parents ever gave me, was taking me and two school friends to McDonalds.
My parents gave us good parties--but they were usually at home or very small (a group of six or seven girls at Pizza Hut). And when we were in grade school, we got to take Halloween theme cupcakes for our classroom treat every year.
ONCE they invited all 22 of our classmates to a party at our house. My folks were very brave.