Yup. We didn't do those. I found a much cheaper alternative at the local rec center. The YMCA usually has cheap childrens' programming, too.
I should be cooking more often to save money
That's why God invented credit cards.
That's why God invented credit cards.
This is like HR telling me that I can just pay for scripts and doctor's visits and tests out of pocket, right?
Depends. What kind?
Mm, cheddar. Parmesan. Maybe some mozzarella. Swiss, but only in context.
I think I generally suck though. At this stage in my life, I am sufficiently cranky to walk away from situations that piss me off, rather than, I don't know, staying, hanging in, dealing, fighting.
Oh, honey, sometimes walking away is the smartest, sanest, most self-protective thing to do. That doesn't mean you suck. It means you smart.
That's why God invented credit cards.
Sticks out tongue at Empress
Swiss has context?
There was Swiss involved in my lunch. Num.
Sticks out tongue at Empress
Well, that's what I WAS TOLD.
Swiss has context?
There was Swiss involved in my lunch. Num.
In the context of Cass' lunch, Swiss is a go!