Absomalutely. They can try a stint as Captain Responsible, if they're the ones who introduced you to Major Stuff-Up.
One of the many reasons I don't trust dating services.
Or dating. But that is another post entirely.
I've got a spy book. It's about the Navy so I think it can handle potential submersion.
What book is it, Cass? I'm always up for a good military spy story.
'Night, sj!
Maria, if it helps, that just makes me think "OMG, I have no idea what my credit score is..."
I did the hand-wavey thing for over 10 years. If I didn't know, then it couldn't be that bad. I couldn't even get a car loan at one point, but once I could qualify for a card from a company that wasn't under investigation for predatory lending practices AND had a rate less than 29.99%, I started keeping track. There's no way I'm going to let myself fall into the same trap again.
Edit: In addition to dropping points, I also seem to be dropping vowels.
One of the many reasons I don't trust dating services.
Because I was in that dating pool?
Plan of Attack
but please note that I *never* claimed it was actually good, just spy-ish and naval (not navel, it is really not at all introspective).
However, some of the bad bad bad terrible no good guys do seem intent on wanting to make DG go boom. So there is the meta in that at least.
Heh. See, I know it can't be nearly that bad--I got a perfectly decent car loan and all that jazz. But tracking point by point? I fear I'll miss some mythical mortgage cutoff by random bizarre minutia and wish I'd known....and yet, the energy to care still escapes me.
Heh. Reading through some Amazon reviews of stuff, I came across this:
Collections like this one are a great way to introduce people to some of the great music that's been out there, but the title 'one hit wonder' is so often fragrantly misused.
Mmmm. Smells like one-hit wonders.
Because I was in that dating pool?
No. Because I don't need to be introduced to Major Stuff-Up. Bastard already is stalking me.
::hushed golf announcer voice::
"And then, Kristin made a dramatic entrance. With a flaming sword."