{{{GC}}}} much ease-ma to your grandmother.
I was talking to my aunt on Saturday and her SiL was threatening her FiL with a feeding tube because the poor old man has no appetite and can't eat. She was telling him, "if you don't eat, we're going to have to stick a feeding tube in you." Bleh.
Aimee, I hope that this wedding/shower is at least fun for you. The headaches and expense you've incurred are beyond the pale. If it gets any worse, I strongly support the nuclear "get bent" option.
Christopher wanted to go to a local Italian cafe tonight for dinner. Even though I *knew* said bistro is a bit pricey and fancy for taking a toddler, I agreed because it's closer than Olive Garden and has much better pasta. Of course, O was not very cooperative and I got the sense that the guy at the next table drinking the $9 glass of scotch and eating his $7 salad before the $15 plate of pasta didn't actually appreciate the baby's loud antics. We got our entrees packed up to go. It was for the best, really. And the nice waitress did give us some extra pieces of their nummy bread.