( continues...) especially the women who didn't learn how to advocate for themselves until after they'd had a horrific experience, and who don't want anyone else to go through what they did and the midwives who've faced an uphill battle just to be able to practice, even with an assload of data on their side.
So as frustrated as I get when I see the aggro 'tudes, especially when I'm looking for advice and not a lecture I don't need because I've already considered X, Y, and Z thank you kindly, I understand where the 'tude is coming from.
* House too small; no interest in cleaning up in prep or post; house doesn't have whirlpool tub.
Err. Yeah. That was longer than expected.
Happy FAY DAY!
It's like MAY DAY!
We will dance around you with pretty ribbons and SNOG!
especially, it seems, in smaller towns and smaller hospitals
Well, I have to say that I got much MUCH better pre-natal and L&D care here, in a country that's substantially far behind the US in terms of GDP, than I would have in my home town in the States.
But it's money at the root of it all, isn't it? There's no reason for a top-notch doctor to head to my hometown. In fact, it's primarily going to be the folks who graduated last in their class from med school. Heck, my doctor when I lived there was a large animal vet, because she was more competent than the actual doctors.
And I wouldn't have gotten the care I did here without having an insurance carrier that paid for the best care in the nation.
Also, do you have any update on Toto? I saw that he didn't have Cushings (yeah!), but not how things were going since then.
He's doing ok. We've decided to just wait it out before running any more tests. He seems to be doing better, so our latest guess is a really bad virus. But, he's got more energy and spunk again and hasn't had an accident in over a week, so I think that's probably a good guess.
Also, so sorry for the travel plans mess. What a nightmare!
I have no experience with L&D, but I will say that my favorite OB/GYN was the doctor that delivered me. Of course, he's retired now and lives in the Chicago area, so he won't be delivering any of my babies, but he really was wonderful.
Happy Birthday Fay! Many cakes and presents!
Er, ah, I meant to say Happy Birthday to Fay, back in the day. Sorry.
Many Happy Returns of the Day Pooh Fay!
I'm sorry for the asshattedness of your employers and hope all is resolved without loss of (your) pounds, (or anyone else's) life or limb.