Apparently a guy two floors above her died like six weeks ago and they only just found him. And her apartment is all maggot- and horsefly-infested.
Ewww ewww ewww.
Well, no, I know what you mean. Sometimes it's hard to believe that others think I am more capable than I believe myself to be... It is panic-making sometimes.
Yes, this exactly. I get the of course you can do it, and all I can think is, then if I can't that makes me more of a failure, right? Because everyone thinks this should be so easy for me.
People who don't experience it tend to rationalize. There's nothing rational about it. But making the effort to understand and support you is what counts.
He does make the effort; I don't think I would even be attempting this right now if it wasn't for Dave. He is so amazingly supportive, and nothing I have said should be taken as complaining about him, because I am really not. Like you said, he hasn't been there and that makes it difficult for him to understand where I am coming from. I wish I could learn to see myself as he sees me.
Apparently a guy two floors above her died like six weeks ago and they only just found him. And her apartment is all maggot- and horsefly-infested.
And suddenly my irritation at my neighbor leaving standing water in some plant pots underneath his deck fades away.
I wish I could learn to see myself as he sees me.
It could happen, in time... I think both Tom and I have both benefitted from this phenomenon.
Grr. After weeks of complaining, they are coming to fix my floors right now. I don't want people in my apartment this morning. Plus, it means I had to put on pants.
t /tired and cranky
ETA: They already came and went, not having any metal strips to keep the floors from curling up. They'll be back Monday.
Okay, I just caught up and I had to read about the diaper come-on and the dead-body maggot infestation in one disgusting lump.
I understand about being nervous, sj, but you're bright and talented and know you have to keep an eye on your tendency towards depression. Plus, you have teacup-guy (and us) to hold onto.
Apparently a guy two floors above her died like six weeks ago and they only just found him. And her apartment is all maggot- and horsefly-infested.
A world of ewwwww.
I was the only one of my 4 sibs to be born in a hospital. I'd love to do a home birth, if only for the comfort of being able to sleep in my own bed afterwards. (But then, the idea of a water birth is also immensely appealing to me, and I doubt I'll be living anywhere big enough for a hot tub in the next few years. So we'll see.)
Most of my college experience has ended up in depressive relapses and me sitting in a corner of my room unable to move.
This time will be much MUCH different. In the good way.
I promise.
Apparently a guy two floors above her died like six weeks ago and they only just found him.
Oh, dear. That's... ugh. And also, EW!
Waiting patiently to hear how Toto's appt went...
brenda, I feel for your boss. Somehow, one tends to think of maggot and fly infested apartments as part a CSI-type fiction, not real life. Ugh.
sj, better to try than not try at all. And we'll all be here to hold your hand whenever you need it. It's good that TCG is supportive, even if he doesn't totally understand.
Bev, is this the picture you were looking for?