lisah, love the hair. The red is gorgeous.
Gud, much ~ma for the counseling. I hope it all works out for the good. For all the grief this marriage seems to bring you, you have shown commitment and staying power, and that has to be a good thing, right?
To all library school students and potential library school students:
Our plot to take over the world through sharing knowledge continues apace!
To everyone, please excuse any possible craxy. Migraines suck.
To all library school students and potential library school students: bwaahaha! Our plot to take over the world through sharing knowledge continues apace!
Hmm... maybe we need to team up with Clovis. We control the information, he controls the minds.
This could be fun.
And profitable.
I beg though.
Almost as much as the cats.
Oops, was that supposed to be a secret?
Jen, did I mention that I talked about you when I was in L&D, chatting with the nurses who were doing their OB training?
I knew my ears were burning for a reason!
And, OK, feeling very honored here that I was mentioned during that amazing event in your life.
AS had her interview this morning, it sounds like it went badly. She felt like one of the interviewers just took a dislike to her right off the bat. Made a disparaging comment over her study record (simply uncalled for). Actually asked her if she was planning to go back home, because they'd had two people leave like that recently. Beyond unprofessional into inappropriately personal.
So she was feeling down. We went out for lunch, she sent me an email letting me know that I'd cheered her up a lot. We're going to the movies on Sunday, I'm looking forward to it.
Pssst...billytea is so doomed, pass it on...
Also, not here. Got two hours of sleep last night, spent ten hours in various orientation-type activities at the new school, and discovered I have neither a classroom nor an office to call my own. I instead have about three feet of a shared countertop with drawers every couple of feet to try to hide the fact that I'm sharing the room with twenty or so other teachers. I am so. not. happy. I have no idea what I'm going to do with the twelve boxes I shipped to the school from my old school in CT. Then again, seeing as one of the boxes never made it, I guess that will help with space constraints. Grrr.
I need to get some sleep. Tomorrow I have to have a crash course in their IT software. Woo. Hoo.
Tomorrow I have to have a crash course in their IT software.
No pun intended, of course.
Best of luck KristinT, I can only imagine how disorienting / exciting / WTF-am-I-doing the experience must be for you.
Edit: Also, billytea is doooooooomed!
To all library school students and potential library school students: bwaahaha! Our plot to take over the world through sharing knowledge continues apace!
Woohoo! I went to the info session and the program looks really interesting. I also think I have a decent shot of getting in since I'm interested in the technology track (information architecture or as they call it informatics) and my current job IS the technology track. My work experience and presentations at various conferences should fill in where I may be somewhat lacking in other areas. So, I'm gonna enroll in one of the pre-req courses I need and get on the GRE train. I'm applying. Good laws! Once again, am I completely insane???
Boo, nasty person at AS's interview!
Yay, on cheering.
I knew my ears were burning for a reason!
Hee! The crew I had for my time there were awesome. You see all this stuff on pregnancy boards about the evils of hospital births, how you're doomed, doomed to be rushed into a cascade of interventions but that's so not how things went for me, and I was having a medically indicated induction, for Chrissakes. The nurses were totally down with position changes, and encouraged me to try various things before pain medication--I made it to transition and part way through it without. I ate, drank juice, and thanks to their suggestions, went with a walking epidural instead of the regular variety when it became clear to me that I couldn't deal with feeling like I was being drawn and quartered.
They didn't talk down to me, explained things clearly, and felt more like partners in the process than anything else.
Like I said, you'd have totally fit in. Even my resident was a young, hip woman. The only two guys I remember seeing besides Paul were the Official Doctor Man and the ultra-suave Vietnamese epidural dude with the magic hands of quick and perfect placement.
I've been reading a lot of discussion tonight in the pregnancy/childbirth blogosphere on the unending hospital vs. home debate, so my birth has been on my mind a lot, and I'm so happy I had the birth I did. I'm also happy I knew women like you, Amy Parker, and a local friend who's a duela, because it really helped me to feel confident that the choices I was making were the right ones for me and for Lillian.
"My turn next! I'm going to need a diapering after this, ma'am."
Buffista Tarot is BRILLIANT!!! I would choose The Moon or The Tower for me. (although ita has already been a Moon, so that would be good...or The World). Or the Ace or Queen of Wands, if we go into the minor Arcana.